With the US Congress effectively neutralized by its own rules which prevent the minority party from exerting any restraint or oversight on the executive branch, the neocons are finally in a position of absolute power. Their Project for a New Century has gone into effect with the election and re-election of George W Bush, a man who came to the Presidency in search of a foreign policy which was conveniently supplied to him by the neocon think tanks. Lacking any experience in world affairs, Bush has played the role of the front man, the mouthpiece, the totally scripted propagandist for neocon and corporatist policies. In a nutshell the neocon thinking is that, since the Soviet Union bowed out, we are the only remaining superpower. Therefore, we should do whatever we want in exerting influence over the rest of the world. We're Number 1. Yeaaa!
Bush wakes up in the morning and gets handed his script. This represents his movements and utterances for the day, where he shall go, what he shall say, what TV cameras and mikes he'll address. His role is confined to Propagandist in Chief. Previous Presidents were fully scripted in that they had speechwriters write their speeches. The Bush Presidency, thanks to Carl Rove, has gone a few steps beyond that so that the President is merely a puppet-on-strings controlled by the neocon agenda which in short is to dominate the world in pursuit of American corporatist interests.
Mr. President, you got a little off script there when you cut loose with that remark that the next President would have to deal with the war in Iraq. Now what you should have said is something like "The troops are coming home next year providing that the Generals on the ground yada yada yada." That gives you an out, Mr. President. When next year comes you can always say that the Generals on the ground think that conditions will be auspicious for the troops to come home next year.
When Bush came to power, the neocons had half of what they needed to pursue their agenda - a front man who knew nothing about foreign policy. Now all they needed was a pre-text, an excuse for invading Iraq. Luckily, the terrorists handed them their excuse when they blew up the World Trade Center. They had wanted to take over Iraq, had planned to take over Iraq and now they had their excuse for taking over Iraq. The terrorists played right into the neocon hands. It couldn't have been scripted any better if they had scripted it themselves. They had their front man, a puppet-on-a-string President who got a free legacy, and they could go merrily on their way establishing military bases in formerly Soviet controlled or influenced territory.
The problem is that the Project for a New Century will end up taking almost the entire century before the US can extricate itself from Iraq. Did I say extricate? With Iraq, the US stepped on a hornet's nest, opened a can of worms and stuck itself to a tar baby. But not to worry. The scenario has changed somewhat, but the scenario has not really changed at all. The US never planned to extricate itself from Iraq. The US plans to stay in Iraq and make it their base for controlling the whole Middle East. With the world's largest Embassy comprising 104 acres, bigger than Vatican City, under construction with a completion date of June 2007, it is the only construction project in Iraq that is on schedule. Completely self-contained with its own water, electrical and sewage systems, the rest of Iraq can go to hell in a handbag, and the Embassy, as big as a small city, will crank serenely on. This in addition to four gigantic military bases will make Iraq a center from which American power will emanate and extend its tentacles throughout the Middle East.
I like Stephen Colbert. He speaks truthiness to power. From now on he's persona non grata at the White House after he roasted President Bush at the Correspondents' dinner. Remember Freedom Fries? All things French were denigrated. Why didn't they change the pronunciation of "Chevrolet" which is pronounced Chevrolay, the French pronunciation, (silent t) to Chevrolettt. That would have taught the French a lesson. Oh, I see. You can't mess around with a corporate symbol. Anyway Colberrr (silent t) will now be referred to as Coal-burttt by the Press Secretary at the White House or maybe just Coal-buttt. He's an apt counterpoise to the Voice of American Propaganda, Rush Limbaugh, who, in his latest venture has decided that, since his voice is a talent from God, he should use it for more than just talk. He should sing as well. He's just recorded his first CD with backup vocals by Kinky Friedman and Willy Nelson. It's called "Hillbilly Smack". It goes something like this:
"Hillbilly Smack! Hillbilly Smack! Doctor shoppin, wife swappin Hillbilly Smack!
When I went out a-shoppin at the mall the other day.
I stopped in at the Wal-Mart just to meet the folks who pray.
I hope that our Dear Jesus will send a clue to me.
And tell me where to find some ... Hillbilly Smack.
Hillbilly Smack! Hillbilly Smack! Doctor shoppin, wife swappin Hillbilly Smack!"
But you know, as Stephen Colbert pointed out, even though President Bush has just a 33% approval rating, you can look at it as the glass being 2/3 empty or you can look at it as though the glass is 1/3 full. You know, Mr. President 1/3 of the American people still support you.That's 100 million people. That's nothing to sneeze at. And they support you very passionately, Mr. President, unlike those lukewarm-water-in-their-veins Democrats, those wish-washy, gay marriage touting, weak at the knees, shrinking violet Democrats, those lllliiibbberallllls. Disgusting. You, Mr. President, represent the dyed in the wool, red-blooded, red, white and blue, true Americans, the ones who've gone to war to protect American freedom, Mom and apple pie. Men like Vietnam flying ace, Randy "Duke" Cunningham,
who single handedly downed 5 MIGs including the infamous Colonel Toom in one day! Now who can begrudge him a little poker party followed by a poke-her party, if you know what I mean.
I know. I know. Why, do you say, did he need all those expensive French commodes? Well, they weren't really for him. When his wife found out about the poke-her parties, he needed to do something to placate her. Of course, Kobe did it by buying his wife a $4 million diamond ring, but, you know, Congressmmen don't really have that kind of money. They just get a few perks here and there from their constituents in return for steering a few defense contracts their way. Nothing wrong with that. Spread the wealth!
11 score and 10 years ago our forefathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men were created as either have mores, haves, have lesses or have nots. Now it remains to be seen whether this or any nation so dedicated and so consecrated can remain in the hands of true believers like the Republicans who will cut taxes, raise military spending and borrow the money from Chinese Communist central bankers. But you know the Carlyle Group is getting rich. Halliburton is getting rich. Hell, the Vice-President earned $9 million last year for doing nothing. Kellog, Brown and Root is getting rich. But remember your base, Mr. President: the haves and the have mores. The hillbillies can be bought off with $100 rebates for gas. That would only be another $10 billion for a hundred million people. A drop in the bucket! It might even raise your approval rating to say 36%.
There's only one problem with a domestic policy that cuts taxes and a foreign policy that requires vast increase in military expenditures. Where's the money going to come from? Fortunately, communist Chinese central bankers have stepped in to fill this void. They give us money to spend foolishly, and what do they get in return? Their principle with interest, to be sure, paid by our children and grandchilldren, but what else, Mr. President? Oh, you can't be too hard on the Chinese? You must consult the playbook, "Horton Hears a Hu in the Bush." The Chinese are silently forming peaceful alliances with many South American countries while these countries are nationalizing their assets. Flies in the face of globalism, doesn't it? Watch out Carlyle Group! Meanwhile, your nemesis, Fidel Castro, is gaining considerable clout as spiritual leader and inspiration for Chavez in Venezuela and Morales in Bolivia. You may be Leader of the Free World, Mr. President, but Fidel Castro is fast becoming Leader of the Western Hemisphere. Next time Chinese President Hu visits the West, instead of meeting with Bill Gates first and you as an afterthought, he'll probably meet with Fidel Castro first and you not at all. Wouldn't that rankle?
Let's consult "Horton Hears a Hu in the Bush" again. Can you say "over-extended", Mr. President? Rome wasn't unbuilt in a day, you know. It took many years of military adventurism and borrowed money before Rome collapsed. You're going down the same road, Mr. President.
But, Mr. President, you're doing the right thing. The third of the American people who support you think you're doing the right thing. You may not be able to bring about the Best of All Possible Worlds. But you have it in your power to bring about the Best of All Possible Ends of the World. Yes, Mr. President, you are the lucky person, along with Archangel Limbaugh, who has been chosen to hasten Armageddon. Your passionate supporters will be pleased, Mr. President, because they will all be taken up to heaven in the Rapture. Muslims will be happy because they will each get 70 virgins. True, Muslim women will not be so happy because they will have to work overtime portraying themselves as virgins, but, Mr. President, this is a small price to pay. Jews will also thank you, Mr. President, because they are the Chosen People so they have nothing to worry about. The only people who won't be happy with you, Mr. President, are the two thirds of the people who don't support you, but don't worry about them. They're merely Democrats, non-believers and atheist scum. They can all go to Hell and who cares?