The following comments were posted on Robert Reich's blog post entitled "Why the DOW is Hitting 10,000 Even When Consumers Can't Buy and Business Cries 'Socialism'."
Wall St also loves American job losses. When "Chainsaw" Al Dunlap took over a company and laid off tens of thousands of workers, Wall St cheered and the company's stock went up. Is any more proof needed that Wall St's and the investor class' interests are utterly opposed to the interests of the average work-a-day middle class American?
There is a negative correlation between job creation and Wall St. which is to say that there is a positive correlation between job loss and Wall St. When 1% of the people has more wealth than 95% of the people, there is a total divergence between the economic ruling class and the rest of the population. Sure the average person may be middle class, but they are losing more and more control over their own destinies while being reduced to peonage by the plutocrats that represent the monied interests.
The middle class, no longer indentured servants, are becoming instead indebted servants - in hock to banks that trick people into paying more and more fees. Now debit cards can be overdrawn thus resulting in more fees to the banks. Not only that but if several charges are made on a particular day, the last one being an overdrawal, the bank can reorder the purchases so that every one results in an overdrawal fee. It's not illegal and, as we know, anything that's not illegal is ipso facto legal. The banks are not wasting any time in outwitting the middles class especially the ones who are not continually on top of their situations.
So what does freedom mean? Is it the right to amass unlimited profits? If that's your definition of freedom, then you would be for no government interference in the "free" market, no regulation. If your definition of freedom concerns the rights and privileges of American workers or anyone who works for a living as opposed to people who make their living off of rents, interest, dividends, commissions and fees, then government control of the investor and financial sector and government which seeks to enhance the lot of the working class including high and low tech workers, can actually increase your freedom as opposed to the freedom of those who only seek to amass unlimited amounts of money.